1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'where price <=49.9999 ) union (select count(*) as c,price from where price>=' at line 1
[(select count(*) as c,price from where price <=49.9999 ) union (select count(*) as c,price from where price>=50 and price<=99.9999 ) union (select count(*) as c,price from where price>=100 and price<=149.9999 ) union (select count(*) as c,price from where price>=150 and price<=199.9999 ) union (select count(*) as c,price from where price>=200 and price<=249.9999 ) union (select count(*) as c,price from where price>=250 and price<=299.9999 ) union (select count(*) as c,price from where price>=300 and price<=399.9999 ) union (select count(*) as c,price from where price>=400 and price<=499.9999 ) union (select count(*) as c,price from where price>=500 and price<=599.9999 ) union (select count(*) as c,price from where price>=600 and price<=699.9999 ) union (select count(*) as c,price from where price>=700 and price<=799.9999 ) union (select count(*) as c,price from where price>=800 and price<=899.9999 ) union (select count(*) as c,price from where price>=900 and price<=999.9999 ) union (select count(*) as c,price from where price>=1000 and price<=1999.9999 ) union (select count(*) as c,price from where price >=2000 )]